Monday 2 February 2009

What to include in your group blog

The purpose of the blog should be to show all your planning and evaluation for your coursework- both the preliminary and main tasks. A good way to do the blog is to fill in a lesson by lesson account of what you’ve done and also include more detailed planning and evaluation posts for both the preliminary and main tasks.

Ensure you keep your blog updated throughout the coursework period- don’t leave it until after you’ve finished filming. (We can see the dates of all your posts!)

Your blog should include the following:

Preliminary task
Outline of preliminary task.
Shot list/ storyboard of preliminary task.
Evaluation of preliminary task- you need to explain what you learnt from this task about filming and editing, what went well and what you need to improve on. You need to explain how you used a shot/ reverse shot combination, how you achieved matched cuts and how you ensured you didn’t break the 180 degree rule. Use the evaluation sheet on eloreto to help you with this.
A link to your preliminary task video on youtube.

Main Task
Outline of what your group is doing for your main task.
Research into the genre- this could include links to clips of films from this genre on youtube and analysis of the genre’s features.
Shot list/ storyboard for your main task.
List of filming locations.
Shooting schedule.
List of props and costumes.
An evaluation of the filming process for your main task.
An evaluation of a rough edit of your main task.
An overall evaluation of the main task- you need to explain what was successful about your finished product and how you used genre features to make your piece authentic. You need to explain what filming and editing techniques you developed during the coursework project and give specific examples of how your finished product demonstrates a range of filming and editing techniques.
A link to your main task video on youtube

Don't panic if there is something listed here that you don't know how to do! If you get stuck at any point, come and ask any Media teacher and we will show you.

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